Lovin' the Little Things

Lovin' the Little Things

Friday, August 19, 2011

Paul's Counsel

Paul ended his epistle to the Hebrews with counsel and teachings. Here are some questions that can be answered in chapter 13 of Hebrews:
·         How should we treat strangers and those in bonds?  Verses 1 and 2 talk about this by saying that we should “entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. We need to help those who are in need whether they are friends or strangers, because we never know who the Lord has put in our path. We are to remember those that are in bonds that suffer because we need to treat them as if we were in that same situation.
·         How is marriage looked upon?  “Marriage is honourable”. God is pleased with those who get married and do not defile themselves.
·         What warnings are given about covetousness? We are supposed to “be content with such things as ye have”. We should not want for other people’s possessions, because we have our own.
·         What is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”? Jesus Christ. He does not change his convictions nor go back on his promises. He is always there to help us when we go to him in faith.
·         How are we sanctified? We are sanctified through the blood of Christ, by his infinite atonement.
·         How do we respond to those who rule over us? We are supposed to obey the people that rule over us and submit ourselves to them.
·         Who did Paul ask the people to pray for? He asked them to pray for him and his fellow men in Christ.

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